Video Series:
In cooperation with Space Scoop: Bringing news from across the Universe to children all around the world in video format.
Universe Awareness and the Chandra X-ray Observatory.

"; } elseif ($catid==35) {echo "

Short, informative videos that introduce topics such as Chandra, astronomy and related news, with a hand-drawn look.

"; } elseif ($catid==37) {echo "

The AstrOlympics project explores the spectacular range of science that we can find both in the impressive feats of the Olympic Games as well as in cosmic phenomena throughout the Universe.

"; } else { echo "

Recent discoveries and updates of the Chandra mission in video and audio formats.

"; } ?> 0) { $minutes = $duration / 60; $duration = $duration - ($minutes * 60); if ($duration > 0) { $hours = $duration; } } $duration = sprintf("%d:%02d", $minutes, $seconds); //MM:SS ?>

- Related Links:
';}?> '.$row['rel_link1_label'].'
';}?> '.$row['rel_link2_label'].'
';}?> '.$row['rel_link3_label'].'';}?>
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