Friday 21 September 2007 8.30am EDT
During the last week Chandra completed the observing schedule as
A test was conducted on Sept 17 to turn off the ACIS detector housing heater to assess the thermal time constant associated with the housing cooling. The heater was turned off via the daily load and then back on using a real-time procedure when the temperature fell below a pre-determined threshold. Assessment of the data indicates the thermal performance was within predictions. Turning off the heater will help offset the increasing heating trend for the Observatory that is making it more difficult to maintain the ACIS focal plane temperature at the desired set point of -120 deg C during science observations. A further test using the daily loads is scheduled for 22 Sept. A Chandra press release was issued on 20 Sept describing evidence that stars have been forming in a long tail of gas that extends well outside its parent galaxy. This discovery suggests that such "orphan" stars may be much more prevalent than previously thought. For more details see: Of note last week was the Chandra User Committee meeting held at the CXC on Sept 19-20. The schedule of targets for the next week is shown below and includes an observation of M31 coordinated with HST. |
IGR J11435-6109 ACIS-S Sep 23 RX J1605.3+3249 HRC-S/LETG UGC 6930 ACIS-S Sep 24 Radiation Belts NGC1023 ACIS-S Sep 25 7C1037+4650 ACIS-S Z7215 ACIS-I Sep 26 Crab Pulsar HRC-S/LETG M31 ACIS-I NGC2563-P3 ACIS-I IGR J11305-6256 ACIS-I Abell 2219 ACIS-I Sep 27 SDSS J092152.45+51 ACIS-S Radiation Belts SDSS J225506.79+005 ACIS-S IRAC Dark Field ACIS-I Sep 28 MACS1720.3+3536 ACIS-I IGR J16500-3307 HRC-I SDSSJ225506.79+005 ACIS-S AXJ185551+0129 HRC-I IRAC Dark Field ACIS-I NGC2563-P12 ACIS-I Sep 29 NGC 6107 ACIS-S Radiation Belts Chandra Deep Field ACIS-I Sep 30
All spacecraft subsystems continued to support nominal operations.
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