Friday 15 February 2008 8.00am EST
During the last week the observing schedule was replanned to include
an observations of GRB 080207 (Dark-GRB1) that was accepted as a fast turn-around Target Of Opportunity (TOO) on Feb 11. Loads were replanned and uplinked on Feb 14 for an observation on Feb 16. An
observation of the Carina South Pillar was impacted by the TOO and
will be rescheduled in a later load.
A real-time procedure was completed on Feb 13 to update the on-board Ephemeris. A Chandra press release was issued on Feb 13 describing the possible detection of a binary star system that was later destroyed in a supernova explosion. For further details see: The schedule of (many) targets for the next week is shown below and includes an observation of 2MASS J0746425+200032 coordinated with the VLA. |
Radiation Belts Feb 18 UGC 4203 ACIS-S UGC 4203 ACIS-S RX J1131231 ACIS-S Carina South Pillars ACIS-I Feb 19 H 1743-322 ACIS-S/HETG 1619, 1242, 784, 1537 ACIS-S 778, 828, 1250, 1630 ACIS-S AX J184008-0543 ACIS-S Feb 20 AX J181852559 ACIS-S IGR J18483-0311 HRC-I IGR J18485-0047 ACIS-I IGR J18308232 ACIS-I XTE J181097 ACIS-I Radiation Belts NGC 4236 ACIS-I S03 ACIS-S Feb 21 1440, 1146, 1025, 1303 ACIS-S 1327, 1125, 1283, 1261 ACIS-S 698, 1422, 575, 1355 ACIS-S 1087, 1861, 437 ACIS-S 3C381 ACIS-S 3C303.1 ACIS-S 2MASS J0746425+20003 ACIS-I SDSS J123411.73+6158 ACIS-S Feb 23 Radiation Belts 543, 1431, 1528, 1695 ACIS-S Feb 24 200, 571, 1488, 1499 ACIS-S 1545, 1192, 1075, 1948 ACIS-S 1627, 230, 1993, 1828 ACIS-S 1886, 1743, 1539, 1185 ACIS-S Feb 25 1826, 1512, 1489, 944 ACIS-S 856, 1407 ACIS-S H1743-322 HRC-I
All spacecraft subsystems continued to support nominal operations.
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