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Video Series: Black Holes

Recent discoveries and updates of the Chandra mission in video and audio formats.

Tour: Spotted: 'Death Star' Black Holes in Action (05-22-2024)
Astronomers studied 16 supermassive black holes that are firing powerful beams, or jets, into space. They found that about a third of these have changed directions by large amounts.

- Related Links:
--  Spotted: 'Death Star' Black Holes in Action

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Quick Look: Spotted: 'Death Star' Black Holes in Action (05-22-2024)
Astronomers studied 16 supermassive black holes that are firing powerful beams, or jets, into space. They found that about a third of these have changed directions by large amounts.

- Related Links:
--  Spotted: 'Death Star' Black Holes in Action

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Quick Look: NASA's Chandra Notices the Galactic Center is Venting (05-09-2024)
Eruptions from the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* may have created an exhaust vent attached to a "chimney" of hot gas blowing away from the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

- Related Links:
--  NASA's Chandra Notices the Galactic Center is Venting

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Tour: NASA's Chandra Notices the Galactic Center is Venting (05-09-2024)
Eruptions from the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* may have created an exhaust vent attached to a "chimney" of hot gas blowing away from the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

- Related Links:
--  NASA's Chandra Notices the Galactic Center is Venting

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Quick Look: NASA's Chandra Identifies an Underachieving Black Hole (03-21-2024)
A brilliant supermassive black hole is not living up to expectations. Although responsible for high levels of radiation and powerful jets, this giant black hole is not as influential as many of its counterparts in other galaxies.

- Related Links:
--  NASA's Chandra Identifies an Underachieving Black Hole

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Tour: NASA's Chandra Identifies an Underachieving Black Hole (03-21-2024)
A brilliant supermassive black hole is not living up to expectations. Although responsible for high levels of radiation and powerful jets, this giant black hole is not as influential as many of its counterparts in other galaxies.

- Related Links:
--  NASA's Chandra Identifies an Underachieving Black Hole

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Quick Look: Stellar Beads on a String (02-21-2024)
Astronomers have discovered one of the most powerful eruptions from a black hole ever recorded. This mega-explosion may help explain the formation of a striking pattern of star clusters around two massive galaxies, resembling "beads on a string."

- Related Links:
--  Black Hole Fashions Stellar Beads on a String

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