Welcome to the Chandra (beta) Blog
Well, it's finally time for us to dip our X-ray toe (yes, we claim all things high-energy) into the world of blogging. This current incarnation is our attempt to work out the technology while we experiment with content. The plan is to include such topics as the most recent image or press release, new innovations on the website, and the latest in our formal education efforts.
That said, we are very much open to hearing about what suggestions you may have for this blog. Are there things about the Chandra mission or X-ray astronomy you would like to see us cover? If so, this is your chance to let us know. Thanks for taking a look our baby blog as it takes its first steps.
Megan Watzke
Please note this is a moderated blog. No pornography, spam, profanity or discriminatory remarks are allowed. No personal attacks are allowed. Users should stay on topic to keep it relevant for the readers.
Read the privacy statement
This Blog is really new, i
This Blog is really new, i think...but how do you get a .harvard.edu-domain?
RE: This Blog Is Really New, I
Hi there,
Check out this post about Chandra's name & domain "Where Does the Harvard Come From"? http://www.chandra.harvard.edu/blog/node/113
I would be interested to read, but the main interesting look at the facts. astronomy is very interesting science. Even I, politechical university student (welding faculity), watched a photo with joy, and would be read interesting information: about news in X-ray astronomy and research
More reading about Chandra
Where can I read more about Chandra project?
More on Chandra
Hi Alexf, there is a lot of information on the Chandra mission, project and goals at http://chandra.harvard.edu/about/
Chandra team
how to contribute
Dear Chandra
already read information about chandra project, can you tell me how can contribute im at Instituto de Astronomia UNAM in Mexico.
John Rich
Instituto Astronomico Nacional UNAM
Nice blog
You have a very nice blog. Its really taken off since you made this first post. Congrats, welldone.
Thank you
Dear Chandra-team,
thank you for this very nice and informative site, that - unlike so many other websites - goes a little deeper with explaining how things work. It is simple nice to drop by once in a while and read about what outer space holds in store for us:)
Best regards
Jonas Schwanger
Mark from computer financing
Mark from computer financing said: There is some beautiful imagery on this site which really illustrates the work and effort you are putting in. I shall certainly be keeping an eye on your research.
Thanks a lot for sharing
Thanks a lot for sharing with us such interesting ideas and articles. They are very helpful and informative for students.
Thanks for giving us the information about Chandra!
This article was really
This article was really intriguing!
Hi... that was great stuff..
Hi... that was great stuff.. I really like reading on this subject ...
I like it
This is great news. Best of luck for the future and keep up the good work.
How did you go about
How did you go about choosing the name? "Chandra"?
I like it - it's very potent. I just wondered why your team chose it.
Discover the man behind the
Discover the man behind the name, including which area of study he was awarded the Nobel prize for. And, see the details of the naming contest of the contest of the Chandra X-ray Observatory and winning essays.
-Kim for Chandra
one of the best
this blog is one of the best i read. What can i say, it is full with interesting things.
from Romania
Great post..
Actually I want to know about this X-ray mission in detail.Keep posting us this type of informative post.
It's a great news, thanks for sharing with us.
thanks so much
Really a helpful article , thanks . I glad to meet all.
Mark from computer financing said: There is some beautiful imagery on this site which really illustrates the work and effort you are putting in. I shall certainly be keeping an eye on your research.
You have a very nice blog.
You have a very nice blog. They are very helpful and informative for students. Congrat!
Best regards
Robert Frank
i love astronomy and i read
I love astronomy and I read about since I am a child, with that being said I give you a A+
Dear Chandra-team, thank you
Dear Chandra-team,
thank you for this very nice and informative site, that - unlike so many other websites - goes a little deeper with explaining how things work. It is simple nice to drop by once in a while and read about what outer space holds for us:)
Best regards
Jonas Schwanger
Thank you so much!
I've been visiting Chandra for months and finally I got my account here! Thank you Chandra! Keep it up..
A nice posting with whole
A nice posting with whole blog full of valuable information.